How to Prevent Floods, Leaks and Wasted Money

Plumbing is essential to the health and hygiene of everyday living. It’s important to know what can go wrong so you can focus on making sure things stay right. Leaks, floods, wasted water and money – we’re looking at you!  Want to know how to prevent floods, leaks and wasted money when it comes to…

5 Plumbing Hacks Every Homeowner Should Know

Plumbing is very rarely thought of in a home, unless something goes wrong. Just like our own health though, preventing the problems is always better than the cure.  Knowing some helpful hints will save you a lot of money later down the (plumbing) line.  Who knows? Perhaps you already know these helpful hacks…like what you should or…

Toilet Troubles: Identifying the Common Reasons for Blocked Toilets

A toilet that isn’t functioning is frustrating, perhaps a little embarrassing, and definitely should be investigated further.  After all, toilets exist to flush away our human waste. So, when they’re just not doing that, it’s time to do something about it…and fast.  But what exactly causes a blocked toilet? Read more from the blocked drains Perth plumber team at Superior…

Keep Calm and Carry On: What to Do in Plumbing Emergencies in 4 Easy Step

In our homes and businesses, we take plumbing for granted. It’s out of sight, out of mind – until something goes wrong. Instead of losing your head in the plumbing emergency, keep calm and follow the below steps. These will help you in your Perth blocked drains emergency and other residential or commercial plumbing frustrations…

What is an Overflow Relief Gully?

An overflow relief gully (or ORG for short) is a vital component of your property.  This grated outlet is located outside of a home, and in the event of a sewer block, the grate is designed to pop up, releasing excess sewer water from the sewer network.  Your ORG should be well-maintained to make sure…

Water Saving Tips for Summer In Perth

Summer is here and that means Australians will be using more water for drinking, bathing, on our gardens and in recreation but not really getting rainfall to replenish. After all, we’re the driest inhabited continent on our planet. So, it’s time to get water wise and do our part to minimise water stress, if not…

How a Plumbing System Affects Your Health

Did you know that a critical aspect of public health is plumbing? And that it’s one many people seem to forget about in the fight on diseases, viruses and pandemics? Today at Superior Plumbing, we’ll be looking at the importance of a well-maintained plumbing system when it comes to your health. Interested? Read more from…

What is CCTV and Why is it Used in Plumbing?

When you think of CCTV you may think of security cameras for businesses and shopping centres, for pubs, clubs and restaurants. You probably don’t think of CCTV and plumbing together, but they actually work together so well, that they’re many a blocked drains plumber’s best friend…on the job that is. Interested to learn more about…

5 Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Home’s Sewer Line

A sewer line in a home is a drain system that relies solely on gravity, letting wastewater flow down through large pipes and exit the house near its foundation. Sewer line pipes and drain systems are built and installed to be durable, but that doesn’t mean they’ll last forever. That means if you’re a homeowner,…

When to Have Your Septic Tank Pumped Out

Septic tanks are a simplified onsite sewage facility that often service non-sewered developments, remote properties and older properties. Essentially, they exist to dispose of household wastewater if a mains wastewater system is unavailable. So, what do homeowners need to know and do about their septic tank? Why and how are they used and how can…