Bugs That Live in Your Drains

It’s scary to find a strange guest in your shower.

But, if you have insects living in your Perth blocked drains, this is exactly what could happen.

Are you a victim of tiny insects living in your drains? You may have experienced an unfortunate situation where insects are breeding in your pipes. They make the drains their home. They live, eat, and even reproduce there.

And they won’t go away on their own. They will continue to multiply unless you do something about it.


Why Are There Bugs in My Pipes?


Your pipes are the ideal breeding ground for insects to breed. The main reason your pipes are attracting bugs is moisture. Bugs are attracted to damp and dark areas. The best scenario for an insect is one with food and moisture. Your blocked drains in Perth are full of organic matter, such as hair, toothpaste or food, and bugs will be happy there. Setting up camp is simple but getting them to leave can be difficult.


How to Tell If Your Plumbing System Has a Pest


There are signs to help you determine if there is an infestation in your plumbing system. First, insects will often create nests from any material available. Because of this, they might construct nests within your warm water supply lines. Check for major structural damage to these pipes. You may also find webbing at the nest site, or a plumbing problem.

Sometimes pests may take up residence in other areas of your home, such as under or within your walls. This is often near an entry point that they find attractive. Bugs can easily get into vents from cracks or holes larger than 1 mm. Bugs can also be found in your faucets. Similar signs in both cases indicate that there is a problem. For example, excessive webbing or dirt residue found in difficult to reach areas of your house.


Common Insects Found in Drains




Cockroaches pose a real threat to Australia’s health.

These bugs are large and can be difficult to eradicate. They are easily found in bathrooms and kitchens. They love water and food scraps and will stay where they find their survival tools.


Drain Flies


These flies don’t pose a danger and can often be seen flying into and out of bathtubs and sinks. They are small and black with a long antenna. Drain flies are not only difficult to squash, but they also buzz a lot. Because their larvae feed on the gunk in your pipes, they can multiply in your home. Once they reach a certain size, they fly up the drain to find another place to lay their eggs.


House Centipedes


Also known as the “thousand leggers,” these centipedes will be the only type you’ll ever see in your home. These creepy crawlers prefer to live in unoccupied areas such as basements and attics. If they find these areas too dry, they will migrate to your bathroom and kitchen. They can enter through tiny cracks or openings in your home. The rule of thumb is to place a piece of paper inside the crack so they can get into your house. Once inside, they can reproduce rapidly and quickly infest homes.




Some insects, such as spiders, don’t want a home. Instead, they just want to eat the food in your house. While spiders will crawl through cracks throughout the year, they prefer to do so in autumn or spring. Southern house spiders are attracted to houses with lights on at night because they know there is human activity nearby. This spider can get into homes through 1 mm openings throughout the year. However, it prefers vents or other areas under the roofline during spring and spring.

It’s possible for any kind of insect to make a home within your drainage system. However, certain types are more likely. Homes with water damage or moisture around are home to rodents, spiders, and cockroaches.


What is the Impact of These Insects?


These insects are a nuisance and a major problem in the homes they live in.

The problem is that pests in your home are likely to spread diseases and create unhealthy environments.

These unwanted guests can be easily noticed in your home. Even though they are very small, they can leave behind marks and dirt, as well as a distinctive smell. This can be very embarrassing if guests are over.


How to Prevent Drain Bugs


First, clean out all the blocked drains and slow-draining drains in Perth. This will remove the slow-moving water that provides a breeding ground for many bugs.

Second, make sure to clean your drains at least once a month. Contact Superior Plumbing to ensure a safe and effective clean. If you attempt to do this yourself, make sure you follow the directions for commercial drain cleaners to ensure that you don’t damage your plumbing or expose family members to the dangers posed by the exhaust fumes. Drains that are clean will not contain any organic matter, which will make it difficult for drain bugs to get into the pipes.

Covering drain openings is the third way to keep them away. Drain screens, drain stoppers, and drain covers are all options to stop drain bugs getting into your drains. If the product is not producing the desired results, contact the plumbers in Fremantle, Superior Plumbing.


When Should You Call a Perth Plumber?


If your DIY methods are not working and your Perth drains are blocked or containing insects, it’s time to call a professional plumber in Fremantle.

These tips should help you deal with unwanted guests. If not, just reach out to Superior Plumbing for assistance.

Be productive and call a Perth plumber today!